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U.S. Department of the Treasury is the flagship, public-facing website of the Department of the Treasury, offering a wealth of information to thousands of citizens, financial professionals, investors, traders, media outlets, and policymakers. It is the go-to resource for the latest updates on the Department's policies, regulations, legislation, and data, spanning both local and global economic landscapes.

As a key member of the Department's in-house design team, I was entrusted with the responsibility for the UX/UI and visual design of's new homepage.

The Challenge

As the digital face of the Department, the Treasury homepage went through dozens of design iterations. The real challenge with this project was not in the design problem itself, but in the intricate art of balancing often competing stakeholder priorities, user needs, and business requirements.


This challenge was tackled through the careful management of stakeholders, design consulting and presentations, user validation, and iterative visual and information design.

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